Summer Training

Summer training offers an opportunity for cadets to travel to new areas and meet other cadets, while learning skills for personal development. Courses available for application are primarily based on the cadets completed training level, by the end of the training year.


>> read more about the Summer training Opportunities <<

Key Dates & Deadlines

Course/Opportunity Deadline
Staff Cadet CTC & CAP, Central Region Only 17 March 2023 by 7:00PM
CTC Course Cadets 19 March 2023 by Midnight
CAP Opportunities 12 April  2023 by Midnight

Application Deadlines

Please note that the deadlines found in the 2023 Summer Training Promotional Package differ from the deadlines provided by 283 Squadron. This is because our Squadron Staff need time to process the applications before the regional deadline.
Late applications will not be accepted for any reason.

One-week Distributed Learning:

Please note that some courses (noted in the course description) in the Summer Training Promotional Package, have a one-week online learning requirement for the course. The one-week online is NOT included in the dates listed. The online portion is the week prior to the dates listed. Cadets are required to have a good internet connection and sign in at set times through Cadet365.