Gliding will take place on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at CFB Borden 90 Hanger Rd.
Bus Departure: 7:30 am from 1 Villa Royale Avenue, Woodbridge .
Bus Return:  4:30 pm at 1 Villa Royale Avenue, Woodbridge
Dress:  Appropriate civilian attire.  NO ripped jeans/pants, NO shorts, NO sandals – must wear closed toe shoes, NO shirts with inappropriate logos or designs.  Please bring a light jacket or sweater as it can get chilly.
Lunch:  Cadets will be eating at the Curtiss mess hall. It is imperative that everyone is on their best behaviour.  Cadets may bring snacks and a refillable water bottle.  Snacks MUST be nut free.
Informed Consent Form:  In order to participate, the informed consent form must be completed and signed as soon as possible.  Please email or submit a hardcopy to 2Lt Lewis. >> Download Consent Form <<
OIC:  2Lt Lewis in the officer in charge – if you have any questions, please email him at
Check this attendance list for your reference