All cadets who sign up for this event MUST ensure they bring their provincial health card and fill out the parental permission slips attached. Please print and fill them in and bring them with you on Saturday (if not already submitted) and give them to CI Marin..
Travel: All participants shall travel to and from the location by bus as arranged by COA office.
Bus Departure: 7:45 am from St. Jean de Brebeuf High school, 2 Davos Rd, Woodbridge.
Bus Return: 4:30 pm at St. Jean de Brebeuf High school, 2 Davos Rd, Woodbridge.
Rations: All meals will be conducted at the place of training. Meals will consist of box lunches provided by CFB Borden. Participants may bring their own additional snacks and ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BRING A REFILLABLE WATER BOTTLE.
Dress: Appropriate civilian attire based on weather conditions and sports; cadets shall also be dressed ready to begin operations as soon as they arrive. There will be limited facilities to change clothing at the exercise. Cadets might consider bringing gloves as the ropes may be rough on your hands and since it’s spring, the bugs are starting to come out so long sleeves may be a good idea.
Weather: The activity will be conducted outdoors. Participants will dress for the weather and be ready for spring conditions. The operation will continue to be conducted in most weather situations, however, should it become necessary to cancel the operation, the Squadron will not be rescheduled for another date.
Registration is now closed.