Drill is composed of standard postures, movements and evolutions completed in response to particular words of command; e.g., “ATTEN – TION”. Drill activities are the basis of all teamwork and promote discipline, alertness, precision, pride, steadiness and the cohesion necessary for success.

The Squadron drill team is a group of cadets led by a drill team officer and a team commander. Cadets from various training levels conduct a multitude of drill movements ranging from basic to advance levels. The aim of the drill activities is to improve and practice the knowledge of all individual and squad drill movements executed by the Air Cadets and ensure efficent march and manoeuvre together as one in duty and routine.

To rigster for Drill nights please fill in this form: https://forms.gle/AfTWB2oNCZmqu1nG6

To learn more about Ceremonial Drill  movement and access the Drill manual please visit this site