This application is for Cadets in Level 4-5 who wish to apply for Staff Cadet employment
Cadet Last Name
Cadet First Name
Cadet Email Address (Cadet365)
Cadet Phonenumber
Training Level Level4Level5
Parent Full Name
Parent Email Address
Additional Parent Contact Name (optional)
Additional Parent Email Address (optional)
First Choice - Staff Cadet Please provide the details for your first employment choice.
CTC or CAP Location
Position - is there a course/program you wish to work with?
If you are applying to a CTC, what type of position are you interested in. Select all that apply. Flight InstructorFlight CommanderCourse Warrant OfficerSupport Position
Serial (Found on Summer Training Website or Promotional Package)
Are you available for the entire duration of the course? NoYes
If the staff cadet position is available at a different serial/location, would you like to be considered? NoYes
Second Choice - Staff Cadet Please provide the details for your second employment choice.
Do you currently hold a leadership position in the Squadron? If so, please list your current or past positions.
If you are applying for the Band position, please list the instruments you play and how long you have played them. If you also play another instrument or are in another music program (school courses included), please provide those details as well.
Have you attended a summer training program in the past? If so, please list the course/program name and year.
Have there been any changes to your medical history since you last completed the annual validation form? NoYes